House Republicans vote to remove 1st Muslim woman from committee

Ilhan Omar faced charges of anti-Semitism in 2019 for her remarks in which she said some politicians’ support for Israel is “all about the Benjamins, baby,” a reference to $100 bills.

The 218-211 vote saw all Democrats vote in opposition to removing Ilhan Omar from the panel.
The 218-211 vote saw all Democrats vote in opposition to removing Ilhan Omar from the panel. (Jose Luis Magana / AP)

US House of Representatives Republicans has ousted Democrat Ilhan Omar from a high-profile committee over remarks widely condemned as antisemitic, two years after Democrats removed two Republicans from committee assignments.

“I am a Muslim, I’m an immigrant and, interestingly, I’m from Africa,” the 40-year-old Minnesota progressive said in a defiant floor speech ahead of her removal from the Foreign Affairs Committee.

“Is anyone surprised that I’m being targeted? Is anyone surprised that I am somehow deemed unworthy to speak about American foreign policy?”

The deeply divided House voted 218-211 along party lines to remove Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee with Republicans citing the 2019 remarks for which she later apologised. One Republican voted “present.”

Omar, who arrived in the United States as a refugee from Somalia, is the only African-born member of Congress and one of the only Muslim women in the House.

She was in line to be the top Democrat on the foreign affairs panel’s Africa subcommittee.

Republicans, who won a narrow House majority in November’s election after years in the minority, said they wanted Omar, a third-term House member, off Foreign Affairs for statements that included a 2019 tweet which read, “It’s all about the Benjamins baby,” suggesting that Israel’s supporters in US politics were motivated by money rather than principle.

Benjamin Franklin, whose signature on the 1776 Declaration of Independence and 1787 US Constitution earned him the reputation as a founding father, is portrayed on the $100 bill.

During the debate, Republican Mike Lawler said, “Words matter, rhetoric matters. It leads to harm. The congresswoman is being held accountable for her words and her actions”.

READ MORE: Three reasons US Democrats voted in a bill to address anti-Muslim bias

Omar and other Democrats said that any such remarks were made years ago and that Omar had deleted the posts and apologised at the time.

Omar has said in the past that US forces and those of other nations should be held to the same standards of accountability when their actions hurt or kill civilians.

The ouster, led by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, was viewed by Democrats as revenge for their voting in 2021 to remove Republicans Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar from their committee assignments after incendiary remarks.

Gosar had posted a video on social media showing him appearing to kill another House member, Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

McCarthy has given committee assignments to both Greene and Gosar as well as George Santos, a newly elected representative who has admitted to fabricating much of his resume, although Santos has temporarily stepped away from those assignments while working to clear up questions about his ethics.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, a Democrat, told reporters before the vote that Democrats had condemned Omar’s “Benjamins” remark.

“There has been accountability. Ilhan Omar has apologized. She has indicated she’ll learn from her mistakes” and was “building bridges” with the Jewish community. “This isn’t about accountability. It’s about political revenge.”

McCarthy previously rejected the assignments of Democrats Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Both played major roles in the impeachments of Republican former President Donald Trump. 

Source: TRTWorld and agencies

House Republicans vote to remove 1st Muslim woman from committee
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