Hong Kong politicians swear loyalty to China under new patriotic law

Dozens of district politicians in Hong Kong swear on a mandatory loyalty oath as authorities try to purge the city of “unpatriotic” elements but more than 250 have already resigned under pressure.

Anti-China activist Alexandra Wong, also known as Grandma Wong, gestures outside West Kowloon court in Hong Kong on September 10, 2021.
Anti-China activist Alexandra Wong, also known as Grandma Wong, gestures outside West Kowloon court in Hong Kong on September 10, 2021. (AFP)

Dozens of local community politicians in Hong
Kong have sworn a newly required loyalty oath to China, but some opposition councillors may face disqualification if their oaths are judged insincere under a new patriotic law.

Secretary for Home Affairs Caspar Tsui told reporters the government will issue a statement later on Friday on how many of the politicians who had taken the oath passed the loyalty test.

The government enacted a law earlier this year that tightened patriotic loyalty tests by forcing all civil servants to take an oath of allegiance to Hong Kong and its mini-constitution, the Basic Law.

Under a drive to place “patriots” at the helm of Hong Kong’s institutions, authorities have previously disqualified opposition lawmakers and candidates in elections deeming similar oaths as insincere, citing media statements or campaign speeches they said had a “tendency” to undermine the overall interests in Hong Kong.

Of the 24 politicians elected in 2019 as district councillors making their oaths on Friday, 15 were from the democratic opposition camp. 

A 25th politician scheduled to take his oath did not turn up.

“My aim has always been to monitor the government, not pledging allegiance to the regime,” Peter Choi wrote in a Facebook post which he ended with democratic slogans popular during mass 2019 anti-government protests.

Sweeping national security law

While district councils decide little beyond community-level
issues, such as garbage collection and bus stops, Beijing and
Hong Kong authorities have stressed that all public institutions
in the city must be run by people loyal to Beijing.

Some 90% of the 452 district council seats in Hong Kong went
to opposition anti-China politicians after a humiliating 2019
election for the pro-Beijing camp in the midst of huge
anti-government protests.

But more than 250 district councillors have already
resigned, either due to investigations against them under a new
national security law, or amid unconfirmed media reports that
disqualification may force them to give back any public funds
they received while in office.

Beijing effectively ended Hong Kong people’s greatest yet
push for democracy with the imposition last year of a sweeping
national security law to punish anything it deems as subversion,
secession, terrorism or collusion with foreign forces.

China then followed through with radical changes to Hong
Kong’s electoral system and political structure, reducing
democratic participation and introducing a vetting and screening
mechanism that ensures all politicians and those who aspire to
public office are “patriotic.”

Enforcing ‘patriots rule Hong Kong’

Pro-Beijing district councillor Kwok Wai-keung said Friday’s
ceremony marked “one of the milestones of enforcing ‘patriots
rule Hong Kong'”.

Secretary for Mainland and Constitutional Affairs Erick
Tsang has defined patriotism as “holistic love” for China,
including love for the Chinese Communist Party’s leadership.

The district councils are the only fully democratic
institution in Hong Kong. Its Legislative Council is stacked
with pro-Beijing figures, while its chief executive is not
directly elected.

Disqualified councillors will be immediately suspended from
office and, upon a court conviction, ousted and then barred from
standing for an election for five years.

Source: Reuters

Hong Kong politicians swear loyalty to China under new patriotic law
Source: News Achor Trending

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